El lun, 01-02-2016 a las 00:04 +0100, Ofnuts escribió:
> On 31/01/16 09:08, Joseph Bupe wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Is there a reason why the path can close by just clicking the last
> > node
> > onto the first node? Why do we have to CTRL or Command + Click ?
> Because clicking on a node is selecting it, and this i something
> you'll 
> want to do if you want to extend the path from the other end. In
> other 
> words, you create a path with M, N, O, P, Q and then you want to add 
> points L, K, J, so after adding Q you'll click on M, and you don't
> want 
> this to close the stroke.

Double clicking on the first node could work too.
But that in that case selecting the first node with a single click
should revert the behavior, allowing to close the path double clicking
the final node of the other end of the path.

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