I too had to change the light theme icons right away for lack of
visibility. Maybe the "symbolic inverted" icon theme should be the default
active. Then only the mid-tone theme(s) have visibility issues. :)

My 2p.

On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 7:35 AM, Michael Schumacher <schum...@gmx.de> wrote:

> On April 4, 2016 2:16:49 AM GMT+02:00, Akkana Peck <akk...@shallowsky.com>
> wrote:
> >Alexander Rabtchevich writes:
> >> Grey icons from small theme become undistinguishable to me - they do
> >not
> >> have enough contrast between background and image.
> >
> >Kevin Payne writes:
> >> Can you be more specific about which Icon Theme you are having the
> >low contrast problem with and what your system colours are, as the
> >Small Theme will use your system colours there is no way to know which
> >Icon Theme is going to work best for you.
> >
> >I have that problem with the Symbolic icons with all the Light or
> >Lighter themes. When I first switched my initial reaction was "Why
> >are all the Toolbox icons greyed out?!" Once I realized they weren't
> >greyed out, they looked like that all the time, I tried to work with
> >them, but I found that I really couldn't see the differences
> That's why there is the Symbolic-Inverted icon theme. Its icons are
> created by inverting the Symbolic ones (the reason why current GIMP builds
> take so long) and contrast quite well with the light themes.
> >Another question about theme switching: every time I switch themes,
> >my toolbox resizes to four icons across, so small that tooltips has
> >to show a horizontal scrollbar for most tools. It has to be six
> >icons across to avoid a scrollbar, and I always have to resize it
> >larger after switching themes. Is this intentional, or should I file
> >it as a bug?
> You can shrink the toolbox down even further by switching the various icon
> themes. I'd say that none of the switching should change any window sizes.
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