El sáb, 04-06-2016 a las 14:22 +0300, Alexandre Prokoudine escribió:
> On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 5:25 AM, Gez wrote:
> > I'm one of the few guys around using GIMP professionally in the
> > field
> > of graphic design, and with each decision like this one, pointing
> > to
> > the wrong audience (not the audience defined in the "product
> > vision")
> > I'm becoming less and less convinced that it is a good idea to keep
> > using it.
> Would you like to talk about the issue in hand rather than go around
> bashing developers without providing useful insights?

Do you think that my e-mail didn't provide any useful insights?
Read again. I think that, despite the apparent angry tone, it says a
couple of things about taking care of your audience and making
decisions for them, not for the wrong people.

We can tal about that anytime.

> People who work on themes and icons are not the same people who work
> on e.g. color management. C'mon, Gez, you've been around for long
> enough to know that.

Sure, but that's not the point. I'm not charging against the guys who
made the themes. I'm questioning that the development community seems
to pay more attention to those secondary things rather than focusing on
the real shit.

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