On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 8:26 PM, Simon Budig <si...@budig.de> wrote:
> Jehan Pagès (jehan.marmott...@gmail.com) wrote:
>> What's up with the IRC channel?
> We had a mass join/spam event happening.   :-(
> The restrictions will be lifted hopefully soon. send a private message
> to someone of the regulars to get invited into the channel.

Yeah I have been invited back. Thanks!

>> I just come back from shopping, and now I can't connect.
>> It says:
>> 20:14 -!- Cannot join to channel #gimp (You must be invited)
> That'll teach you to leave the channel!!!1!   :)

Ahahah! I actually didn't leave (on purpose) the channel but since I
was out, the laptop went to sleep by itself. Hence I left by timeout.


> Bye,
>         Simon
> --
>               si...@budig.de              http://simon.budig.de/
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