On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 4:15 PM, Elle Stone
<ellest...@ninedegreesbelow.com> wrote:
> From the vantage point of "GEGL code in 2018", are the functionalities of
> PhotoShop "adjustment layers" and "layer styles" similar enough from an
> implementation point of view that both could be implemented all at once,
> using the same GEGL code? Or would there need to be substantially
> different/additional code for layer styles, compared to adjustment layers?

Yes - both are non-destructive editing features, and can be
impleemnted by inserting additional GeglNodes in the chain/graph of
nodes that represent the layer stack. Applying a drop-shadow to the
raster output of a part is no different from applying a color
adjustment. The live previews done for GEGL based filters in GIMP-2.9
are already done by inserting a temporary one-off adjustment layer on
the relevant layer, "inside a layer group".

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