On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 2:18 PM, Øyvind Kolås <pip...@gimp.org> wrote:

> On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 4:36 PM, Partha Bagchi <parth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > My GEGL compilation of simply what environment variables? I only have one
> > GEGL variable active now: gpu usage.
> GPU usage meaning OpenCL?
I was using the following:
Is that what you mean?

> GEGL has stopped enabling opencl by defult now, since GEGL-0.3.24 of
> 2017-11-24 it no longer being enabled by default since it relies on
> good results from the varying quality different opencl
> implementations,.. may also have generic race conditions resulting
> from new code not manifest during regular testing either, so trying
> without OpenCL enabled.
> /pippin
I removed the above environment variable but no change with my 36MP image.
The moment I put the brush on the screen, I get the error messages above.

Then I experimented with some more pictures and it seems to be related to
the size of the image.

I open a 1 megabyte (MB), and 4MB image and no error. Then I open a 74MB
image without error. But when I opened an 300 MB Tiff, I started getting
the error.

I repeated the experiment with GEGL_CACHE_SIZE = 2048 with the same result.

For all all images, I first fit to window > duplicate layer > paint on
duplicate layer.

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