Ok, no problem...

Yeah, the best way is to do without asking, but that is problem when you
don't have skill :-D <=> that was also reason why I was asking in the first
place - Gimp (its C code) is quiet hardcore and therefore there is so few
devs capable (and willing) to contribute.
Ok, thanks for making it little bit more clearer and have a nice Xmas


On Wed, Dec 19, 2018, 13:12 Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmott...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi!
> On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 1:16 AM Michal Vašut <michal.va...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Uff, I have feeling (from your text) like I've been pierced by thousands
>> of swords. I've meant no offense nor asked from you to do anything. I've
>> only asked the reason why and from your response I've found the reason is
>> historical. That's all I've wanted to hear and I fully understand that
>> transition to some modern technology is pretty resource expensive or
>> impossible (in my work me and team, we are maintaining and improving 20+
>> years old legacy monster code written in Delphi, so be ensured that I quiet
>> know what you are talking about)
> Yes sorry. My answer was definitely a bit annoyed, I should not have
> written it this way.
> It's just that we get this question once every few months (maybe more, I
> don't follow all discussions/ML much) and regular requests to change to
> this or that language (whatever is the current fashion, javascript, python,
> rust…). It's just a bit annoying. Also the time I wrote this answer (10PM)
> probably did not help.
> But in any case, I should not have written away any frustration to you.
> So, sorry again for this.
> As you say, yeah the shorter answer is "it's historical".
> Let's keep it at it and pretend I have not written the previous answer. ;-)
> Thanks!
> Jehan
> P.S.: this said, I really meant it when I say I am all for genius
> contributions proving us wrong. For this or other topics, the best option
> is often to just propose a patch. Of course it's a risk and is high work
> (like really really; I would expect this to take many many many months full
> time to port every single bit), but that's also what I do when I want to
> contribute to some other software. I don't wait for approval, I do and hope
> for the best. :-)
> On Tue, Dec 18, 2018, 22:00 Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmott...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 9:05 PM Michal Vašut <michal.va...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Cool, thanks for info. I've checked the page on your blog and have some
>>>> notes to metadata that would be included:
>>>> <requires>
>>>>   <id version="2.10" compare="ge">org.gimp.GIMP</id>
>>>>  </requires>
>>>> I assume that "ge" value of "compare" attribute means "greater or
>>>> equal". That's the possible way to do it. Here is another way how other
>>>> systems deals with the same problem:
>>>> https://madewithlove.be/tilde-and-caret-constraints/
>>>> And here some related tester: https://semver.npmjs.com
>>> I am not going to change the appdata format. If you absolutely wish to
>>> go this way, you can contribute to the format specification (they are
>>> hosted at freedesktop), though to be fair, I doubt they are going to change
>>> it (it has been used for years now, and is widely spread on Linux
>>> distributions: basically all software management is based on this
>>> nowadays), nor do I see much need (as you say yourself even!).
>>> I don't say one way is better than other, it's just to prevent you
>>>> reinventing the wheel (in case you are not aware of this way).
>>> Well the whole point is to not reinvent any wheel, which is why I am not
>>> going to change anything here.
>>>> 2nd thing, I'm missing Tags section in metadata, it's not necessary,
>>>> but nice to have - great sorting / grouping ability.
>>> That's what the `<keywords>` tag is for, I believe.
>>> ---
>>>> BTW I've also checked the code in repo (for the 1st time) and realized
>>>> that it's written in C. Just out of curiosity, why is that? Historical
>>>> reasons? Performance reasons? IMHO it brings huge complexity
>>> For the same reason I am not going to change the appdata format: when
>>> you contribute to a software, you don't try to change all its basics. And
>>> GIMP is indeed written in C. This has been so for 23 years now. I don't see
>>> why it is complex by the way. I have programmed in a lot of languages (many
>>> script languages as well, I even maintain some software mostly made in
>>> Python, etc.) and I find C just fine.
>>>> * in code itself - only emulation of OOP through GObject creates lot of
>>>> code
>>>> * for developers - the graphical math, theorises algorithms are
>>>> difficult on its own, now here is C code that is in this age quiet hardcore
>>>> to use with its non-OOP / structured paradigm ( most of devs code in OOP
>>>> languages these days). Well I can definitely read and understand what's
>>>> going on in the Gimp code, but it would take quiet long time to write
>>>> something useful.
>>> I am not interested in discussing a port of GIMP to some language X, if
>>> not for the first reason that the work required to do such port would just
>>> block us for years (and you would not see GIMP 3 for like 10 years?!
>>> Neither the extension manager as well of course, since we'd have no time to
>>> implement it anymore, nor any of the cool new features we are bringing in
>>> nowadays).
>>> Now I am happy to be wrong, and if someone were to port the GUI part of
>>> GIMP into some well maintained and interesting/powerful/simple language,
>>> making any graphics change easier, without any regression or feature loss,
>>> if this person contributes us a working patch tomorrow, I test it, it just
>>> works and keeps all the "promises", then I'd be the first to consider the
>>> patch for inclusion (though I would not be the only one to decide). But
>>> other than this, please don't ask us to do some work which we find not
>>> useful. I have a lot of things where I want to see GIMP improve (see my
>>> signature; we are making an animation film, as a professional studio, and
>>> my main worry is not the language of GIMP but what it can do and how, and
>>> if it is stable/fast) and spending years to change our base language is
>>> certainly not one of these.
>>> Sorry. :-)
>>> Jehan
>>> --
>>> ZeMarmot open animation film
>>> http://film.zemarmot.net
>>> Liberapay: https://liberapay.com/ZeMarmot/
>>> Patreon: https://patreon.com/zemarmot
>>> Tipeee: https://www.tipeee.com/zemarmot
> --
> ZeMarmot open animation film
> http://film.zemarmot.net
> Liberapay: https://liberapay.com/ZeMarmot/
> Patreon: https://patreon.com/zemarmot
> Tipeee: https://www.tipeee.com/zemarmot
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