On 23/07/2020 16:54, Shlomi Fish wrote:

Furthermore, GIMP will need to query the clipboard before displaying the
menubar or menu which will likely also be time consuming on your end.

Worse that that. Large data such as images are not always put in the
clipboard, the source application merely posts the equivalent of an
availability notice in the clipboard, and the pasting application
negotiates what the source application will eventually share (actual
data format, etc...).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klipper  can do it here, and there may be other
clipboard managers which can as well.

I would also recommend Klipper, but the version in my Kubuntu 19.10
(5.16.5) makes Gimp crash when it copies image to the clipboard (if I
set Klipper to watch for images).

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