On Monday, December 28, 2020, 06:50:54, Pen Guin via gimp-developer-list wrote:

> I want to compile the goat-exercise vala plugin shipped with GIMP.  Can
> anyone please tell me how can I compile a vala plugin on my pc? What other
> softwares AND/OR dependent-files do I need to download? What command and
> attributes do I need to pass to the vala compiler to get a working exe
> without any errors?

You will have to install MSys2 from <https://www.msys2.org>, and then set up 
environment inside MSys2 - install GTK+ 3, gegl, babl etc. You can then follow 
the guides for compiling GIMP on Linux.

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< https://eternallybored.org/ >

Estimating a figure may be enough to catch an error.
       -- Berkeley's Fifteenth Law

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