On 2 Jun 2022 at 11:45, Adalbert Hanßen wrote:

> I use GNU Image Manipulation Program Version 2.10.18 on Xubuntu 20.04.4 
> LTS (64 Bit).

There have been a lot of improvements to our metadata handling after 
version 2.10.18. I would suggest trying the latest version 2.10.32, possibly as 
a flatpak, because you also need the latest exiv2 and gexiv2 for up-to-date 
metadata handling.

Besides that, camera makers are part of the problem. They introduce all 
kinds of proprietary data with every new model. It is always a race to keep 
up-to-date with new info from all brands and models.

Anyway. If an up-to-date GIMP with up-to-date metadata libraries as 
mentioned above still has problems, then the best thing to do is open an 
issue, with a zipped (or otherwise compressed) example image attached. It 
needs to be zipped, because GitLab  usually removes most metadata from 

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