On Sat, May 04, 2002 at 03:51:05PM +0200, Daniel Egger wrote:
> Am Sam, 2002-05-04 um 15.41 schrieb Ayose:
> > If you need help with a XSLT I will help you pleased :-)
> Actually if you have experience in that area it would be nice if 
> you could help out with the gimp-help project.

I know well the XSLT specification, and I have written a lot of lines of

Where is info about gimp-help? In http://www.gimp.org/mailing_list.html
there is no list for it :/, but I have downloaded the gimp-help module
for CVS. What can I do?, look at bugs.gimp.org? ;)

Ayose Cazorla León
Debian GNU/Linux - setepo
Gimp-developer mailing list

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