On 7 Dec 2002, at 18:19, Robin Rowe wrote:
> Raphaël,
> >> For an up-to-date GIMP contributor list see the bottom of
> >> http://filmgimp.sourceforge.net/people/index.html .
> >
> > As you have probably seen in the recent discussions on the
> > gimp-developer mailing list, it is not easy to get a correct list of
> > As you have probably seen in the recent discussions on the
> > gimp-developer mailing list, it is not easy to get a correct list of
> > contributors.  ;-)

Hi Robin,

Seeing how you got everything the past few days, from light rebukes
that you don't want to live with your parents anymore ("but it'll be
so much cheaper if we can do the laundry together!") to outright
abuse ("Windows user!" -- and the little troll meant it, too), I
would like to compliment you and your team on following The Right
Way. You felt an itch, nobody was going to scratch it for you
(despite numerous requests -- "no, no, first we do the laundry, then
we implement 16bpp/fp)"), so you scratched it yourself. In the free
software world, that _is_ the right thing to do.

However, one small negative criticism: that photo on
<http://filmgimp.sourceforge.net/people/index.html> ... Do you know
that there is a free photo editing tool called the GIMP that can fix
it? You should try it someday. ;-)

Simple way to fix red eye: select the eye, select only the red
channel, desaturate. Repeat for other eye. Try other channels for
Bowie effect.

branko collin
Gimp-developer mailing list

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