Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 18:12:21 +0100
   From: =?ISO-8859-1?B?UmFwaGHrbA==?= Quinet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   With the release of 1.2.4-pre2, we are getting closer to the final
   1.2.4.  Like I did a few months ago when 1.2.3 was released, I
   searched Bugzilla and the various ChangeLog files in order to get a
   list of significant changes between the future 1.2.4 release and the
   previous version.

   Here are the changes that I identified so far.  There are many other
   things mentioned in the ChangeLog, but I think that these are the most
   significant ones.  I am even thinking about deleting the last two or
   three items because the list is already a bit long.

   * The print plug-in is now using libgimpprint-4.2, which is
     distributed as a separate package (bug #80941).  It is more
     stable and more portable than previous versions (bug #87428).  If
     you do not have libgimpprint on your system, you have to download
     it from and install it before
     building The GIMP, else use --disable-print.

I guess this means that we (Gimp-print) should start figuring out how
to factor this out of our distribution.

On another note, someone's working on a more generalized printing GUI
based on the Print plugin code.  This may not make it into 4.2, but if
it does the result will be that there will be a libgimpprintui, and
the Print plugin will shrink rather dramatically in code volume.  From
an operational standpoint, it would most likely share settings with
any other application that used this library.

Robert Krawitz                                     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      

Tall Clubs International  -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project lead for Gimp Print   --

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