Am Son, 2003-07-27 um 12.36 schrieb Roman Joost:

> Okey ... i did a fresh checkout from the gimp-help-2 module and get it to
> "work". I attached a 3 lines patch for the file, because i
> was wondering about a program called "no", which was used, if no xsltproc is
> installed on the system. Now its working fine for me and configure do
> the right thing for me. So, maybe i was a bit confused and fixed,
> which shouldn't be fixed - do what you want with the "patch" ;)

Maybe you forgot the attachment.

> But, this is not my main intention here - lets speak about german
> documentation. I figured out, that the gimp-help will now be written in
> docbook sgml. 

XML, not SGML.

> What do you think, where should i start? Maybe i'll create a new de_DE
> directory and start writing ...

I'm not sure this is the best idea since it will be tricky to keep the
English and the German version (at least to some extend) in sync. It's
probably the best to combine all languages into the same file
distinguishing the languages by lang tags. However I haven't thought
much about this since you're the first to bring the topic up.

> Are there any policies to follow?

- Don't mess with the structure
- the content needs to compile all the time (i.e. be valid DocBook/XML)
- new content has to be submitted to a reviewer before committing (which
  would be me for German unless someone else steps up (Nomis, Sven,
  Marc, Mitch?))

> I really can't imagine that there was no german manual or a something
> similar.
> I hope, i'm able to change this ...

Go ahead. If you have anything toss it over to me and I'll get the
Module the shape.


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