Hello Guys,

For a long time we were waiting for GIMP to become a real pro tool for serious photographers. The scarcity of well designed tools for UNIX is obvious. What *have to be* changed as soon as possible:

1) Levels dialog - *linear* histogram as in histogram tool.
Grey point should use Gamma settings as follows:
User click on grey surface no matter what lightness it has and Gimp calculate Gamma using pure Gamma model:

R'Gamma = log(Grey)/log(R') ; G'Gamma = log(Grey)/log(G') ; B'Gamma = log(Grey)/log(B') ;

Grey = 0.299*R' + 0.587*G' + 0.114*B' ;

2) Grey point (and histogram) inside Curves Dialog using Shlick mapping method:

p = ( Grey*({R'G'B'}-2^bits) )/ ( {R'G'B'}*(1-2^bits) )

{R'G'B'} = p*{R'G'B'} / ( p*{R'G'B'}-{R'G'B'}+2^bits )

The problem with current tools (mentioned above,) is in their almost uselessness for photographers. Well, at least in a way to get perfect results in short time.

Please consider a.s.a.p.

BTW, the gray point tool from Levels dialog IMHO takes the measure from really huge image are. I could not find how to decrease this. Maybe it would be better to get this measure field settings from Color Picker tool?

With kind Regards

Piotr Legiecki

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