Am Son, den 16.11.2003 schrieb Roman Joost um 00:46:

> This is the actual structure. I made a "find ./ -type d" in the gimp-help-2
> and removed the CVS directorys:

Agreed. Howver since a few persons are not too happy with the
all-languages-concurrently approach I'd like to hear their opinion

> The "./src" directory contain all the sources, including XML files,
> stylesheets and images.

I don't like the stylesheets being in one directory with the source
though because everything gets mixed together this way.

> german and france, as well as in mostly english. Unfortunately, the
> english part is mostly undone and i hope, syngin will close the gaps :)

I'm afraid this won't happen and I'm certainly *not* happy about it. :(


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