
On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 12:00, David Neary wrote:
> I want to start a new thread to get this discussion (which I
> consider important) back on track.

Good idea.

> So far there are 5 propositions in various stages of development,
> each of which has some + points and some - points.
> 2) Lyon
> 3) London
> 4) Dublin
> 5) Chemnitz
> Are there others? We need volunteers. 

Personally I think it would be best to piggy-back on an existing event
given that the organizers wouldn't mind, of course. This would give us
the benefit of an existing infrastructure.

> What facilities do we need? I've been working (in my head) with
> figures of 20-30 people, needing fairly liberal access to
> conference facilities and computer network, preferably staying
> with LUGgers, but perhaps in a hotel.

20-30 people sounds right to me. We need a conference room or similar
(the GimpTent at GIMPCon 2003 wasn't exactly a conference room, but it
filled our need perfectly) and access to the internet. Of course we need
a place/places to sleep as well, but anything from a tent to a hotel
would fit this need.

> Who will manage the money side of things? We need someone who is
> good with numbers, to organise a few people to do fundraising.

It would be ideal if The GIMP Foundation was a reality when we start the
fund-raising. We could then use the conference to evaluate the steps
taken to raise funds - and perhaps improve the process. 

> When is the earliest we could meet? When's the latest reasonable
> date? I like late June, I think June/July/August is our target
> area. Any comments?

I agree. I would say late June, July or early August.

Henrik Brix Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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