On Jan 11, 2004, at 3:40 pm, Sven Neumann wrote:
I don't think that's the problem (see my other mail)
I know that it could simply because I experienced exactly the same problem with exactly the same symptoms in a different project 3 days ago.
What makes you think it's a version problem and
xsltproc processed the xi:include tags like other tags complaining about the inavailability of matching processing instructions althout the switch --xinclude was given.
what would be the minimum xsltproc version that people need in order to build the help files?
According to Daniel Veillard in
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-xml-xinclude-comments/2002Dec/ 0000.html
libxml version 2.4.28 should handle xinclude just fine which would
mean that Debian stable for instance is too old.
Other than that it seems a bit tricky to tell which version I'm running exactly since "xsltproc --version" is sortof unparsable for humans but xsltproc from Debian unstable worked quite well for some time now.
This is what I'm running:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ xsltproc --version
Using libxml 20603, libxslt 10101 and libexslt 801
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20603, libxslt 10101 and libexslt 801
libxslt 10101 was compiled against libxml 20603
libexslt 801 was compiled against libxml 20603
lucy:/sw egger$ xsltproc --version
Using libxml 20602, libxslt 10100 and libexslt 800
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20602, libxslt 10100 and libexslt 800
libxslt 10100 was compiled against libxml 20602
libexslt 800 was compiled against libxml 20602
(This one doesn't work all that well...)
lucy:/sw egger$ /usr/local/bin/xsltproc --version
Using libxml 20604, libxslt 10102 and libexslt 802
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20604, libxslt 10102 and libexslt 802
libxslt 10102 was compiled against libxml 20604
libexslt 802 was compiled against libxml 20604
-- Servus, Daniel
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