On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 19:34, Daniel Egger wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2004, at 1:14 am, Tim Mooney wrote:
> > As I recall, the SIOD that's part of gimp is not a "stock" version of
> > SIOD, as there were various bugs detected and fixed in SIOD in the 
> > 0.99.x
> > and 1.2.x gimp releases.  There *may* be fixes in the gimp's custom
> > SIOD that never got back into the mainline SIOD.  That means that using
> > a newer SIOD *might* cause some regressions.
> Do we know which version exactly?

The current SIOD used in the GIMP is "Release 3.2X MAR-96". The latest
copy of SIOD I found was a tarball named siod-3.2.tar.gz and it says
"Release 3.2  12-JUN-96".

I plan to compare the two versions to see what the differences are
rather than just drop this other version in to place. I will also check
the CVS log files to check for any bugs that may have been fixed in
GIMP's current SIOD that may not have been passed back to the SIOD

Kevin.  (http://www.interlog.com/~kcozens/)
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172        |"What are we going to do today, Borg?"
E-mail:kcozens at interlog dot com|"Same thing we always do, Pinkutus:
Packet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]|  Try to assimilate the world!"
#include <disclaimer/favourite>   |              -Pinkutus & the Borg

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