
Update on the paypal details.

The form to be added to the web page to allow one-click donations is this:

 <form method="post" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";>
   <input value="_xclick" name="cmd" type="hidden">
   <input value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" name="business" type="hidden">
   <input value="Donation to GIMP Project" name="item_name" type="hidden">
   <input value="106" name="item_number" type="hidden">
   <input value="http://www.gimp.org/sponsors/thanks.html";
          name="return" type="hidden">
   <input value="1" name="no_shipping" type="hidden">
   <input alt="Support the GIMP" name="submit" border="0"
          src="donate.png" type="image">

Is anyone currently working on the web pages? A reply from someone who is with a "yes, but I don't have time" would be fine, but the absence of response to my last mail is worrying me.

I'm quoting the entire previous mail, in case anyone missed it.

Do we have a web team any more? If so, who's on it?


Dave Neary wrote:
So - here's the request: The following information needs to be added pretty quickly (and prominently) to the webpage, so that we can start advertising the ways to fund the GIMP around community sites. Is there anyone with the time to do this today or tomorrow? I won't have time to do this (even if it's pretty small) until next week, at the earliest.


===== Fundraising info to add to the webpage =======

Donating money to the GIMP is easy! The guys at the GNOME Foundation have graciously agreed to act as fiscal agents for us, which means we can offer tax deductible donations in the US.

There are 3 ways to support the GIMP financially, and get as many of the GIMP Developers as possible to the GIMP Developers Conference, taking place in Norway as a sub-event of GUADEC at the end of June, as well as expenses associated with the establishment of the GIMP Foundation:

1) Cheque, made payable to the GNOME Foundation, and sent to

GNOME Foundation
c/o Novell, Inc.
8 Cambridge Center
Floor 5
Cambridge, MA 02142,

with a cover-letter (or a note in the "memo" field) saying it is for the GIMP. You can additionally send a mail saying that you have donated to [EMAIL PROTECTED], if you want to.

2) Wire transfer

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED], requesting bank details, and specifying that you are donating to the GIMP.

3) Paypal

Donate to [EMAIL PROTECTED], this will notify us, and the GNOME board, that funds have been donated to the GIMP. Credit card donations are also accepted via this route.

Please indicate whether you would like your donation to remain anonymous, as otherwise you will be listed as a sponsor of the GIMP on the gimp.org web-pages.

Note: The following can be added to allow a paypal donation to be just one click from the website (the page http://www.gimp.org/sponsors/thanks.html should exist with a short thank you message, otherwise the "return" field should be omitted):

<form method="post" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";>
<input value="_xclick" name="cmd" type="hidden">
<input value="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" name="business" type="hidden">
<input value="The GIMP" name="item_name" type="hidden">
<input value="108" name="item_number" type="hidden">
<input value="http://www.gimp.org/sponsors/thanks.html"; name="return" type="hidden">
<input value="1" name="no_shipping" type="hidden">
<input alt="Support the GIMP" name="submit" border="0" src="donate.png" type="image">

I've attached donate.png, which is directly taken from www.gnome.org/friends.

Alternatively, we can use the paypal icon like this...
<input alt="Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!" name="submit" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/images/x-click-but04.gif"; type="image">

...but since we're not getting anything from paypal, perhaps the neutral one is better.

Thanks a lot,



Gimp-developer mailing list

Dave Neary

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