
Stephan Menzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> 1. Whenever I click on the 'Insert Text' Button, the foreground
> color as well as the color for the text itself changes to
> black. Though it is possible to use another color it is much more
> complicated than before (1.2.2). Why?  I often pick a color out of
> the picture with this little colorpickertool and then insert text in
> this color that matches another in the picture. Black is the least I
> would use. But now this is complicated and rather a pain. Does this
> change have any purpose I just don't see? Anyway, if it doesn't, can
> you change that back in the next release?

The foreground color is not supposed to change. If it really does,
that would be a bug. However I don't seem to able to reproduce this.
> 2. The new 'Crop' tool is not as simple as the old. Formerly there
> used to be a border that opens and you could drag the corners around
> until they finally matched what you wanted and then you pressed the
> crop button. There was a shortcut too. (Ctrl+c?) Now the shortcut
> seems to be gone and there are no longer dragable corners. You have
> to use rectangular selection instead which doesn't have this. (Or
> does it?) And when I choose 'crop' in the menu, there is a new
> selection just slightly smaller than the picture over almost the
> entire crop. I can't really see the purpose for that. The cropped
> image seems to be slightly larger than the area I actually selected
> too.

I am sorry but the crop tool didn't change at all. You should still be
able to drag the corners just as in GIMP 1.2. We only added a
convenient way to crop the image to the size of the current selection
(Image->Crop Image) but that's not really related.

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