On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 11:10:55AM +0100, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> Carol Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > if i try to "New Layer" a floating layer that has been pasted onto a
> > mask, gimp refuses with an error message.
> Sure, it has always worked like that.
> > for my limited understanding of the reason for floating layers to still
> > exist, this behavior tells me that the need for them has gone.  if gimp
> > can tell the difference between a drawable or an image -- and it
> > obviously does, there is no need for this floating step.  also, since
> > you cannot see the layer while it is floating, there is no positioning
> > that can be done.
> >
> > can floating layers go away now?  the arguments for them have ceased to
> > have meaning.
> There is no such thing as a floating layer, it's called a floating
> selection.  Your argumentation is flawed. Of course if I paste
> something into a layer mask, I want to be able to position it. That's
> the whole point of a floating selection. This has, IMO, been discussed
> enough in Bugzilla. There is certainly room for improvement here and I
> am all for reducing floating selections as well as for making them
> easier to deal with. But we can certainly not get rid of them
> completely. That would be a major regression.
what is the bug report.

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