On 26.02.2005, at 02:44, Jay Cox wrote
Dual 2.5ghz g5 mac, mac os x 10.3.8
CVS gimp Changelog revision 1.10539

Linear Gradient blend on a 3000x3000 pixel image (Dithering on)
1 Processor:   7.98 seconds        1x
2 processors:  5.20 seconds        1.5x
3 processors:  5.23 seconds        1.5x

Linear Gradient blend on a 3000x3000 pixel image (Dithering OFF)
1 processor:   3.89 seconds        1x
2 processors:  2.37 seconds        1.7x
3 processors   2.40 seconds        1.7x

Oh, I wouldn't have though that disabling dithering makes such a difference but indeed it does.

Same game on Dual Opteron again with latest sources:

Linear Gradient blend on a 3000x3000 pixel image (Dithering on)
1 processor:            7.5 s
2 processors:           9.6 s
4 processors:           9.6 s

Linear Gradient blend on a 3000x3000 pixel image (Dithering OFF)
1 processor:            3.0 s
2 processors:           2.5 s
4 processors:           2.5 s

Each time determined over three runs. Deviation is too small to

So with dithering there's a loss and without a slight win on
this box with several threads.


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