On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 09:31:46AM -0400, michael chang wrote:
> On 8/16/05, Carol Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 16, 2005 at 11:05:59PM +0200, Sven Neumann wrote:
> > >
> > > > I've been watching the (Gimp)web site for some time.  Is there some
> > > > realistic date when we can expect to see the 'Resources' section
> > > > updated??
> > >
> > > Since there is absolutely no progress whatsoever with the GIMP
> > > website, this isn't likely to happen ever. Perhaps you want to help
> > > us to get the website back to live?
> > >
> > the gimp developers seem to be plagued by low self esteem.  one good way
> > to get people involved is to perhaps offer something that builds
> > confidence and displays good faith in an individuals ability to take on
> > a project like that like a publisher.
> Where is the GIMP Website located (in terms of making changes)?  If
> someone wants to help e.g. do one page, but not take over the whole
> project, how would s/he go about propagating the changes to the GIMP
> website (if approved)?
dating.  date a hacker.  while i have not tried this avenue myself,
there seems to be plenty of ways to "get in" to the loop of this kind of
information if you find a gtk, gnome or gimp hacker and date them or
otherwise mate with them; even if for a brief time.

actually, it seems that dating a hacker or two is the only way to get on
Tim Ney's reminder list.  it doesnt seem to be that the keepers of gimps
money are related to the keepers of gimps web related things, but there
is some overlap.

are there are ways to have success with working with this development
team?  it has not been all bad for everyone, i do not think.  


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