
"Jared Whiting" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is there any more information I can provide regarding my test script and
> the memory increase I observe with GIMP?  Following your advice I ran my
> script more often, but I'm not sure if my response was what you were
> looking for.  If I run a script that creates a new image with six text
> layers in a loop it results in about a 3000k increase in the amount of
> memory the GIMP process is holding on to for each 5000 times the script
> gets executed (as observed using top).  There is only a single instance
> of the script being executed at any time.

3MB for 5000 executions of your script doesn't look like we'd be
leaking image tiles. We might leak some smaller structures that are
allocated during the execution of the script. What you could do is run
gimp in a memory profiler like valgrind (http://valgrind.org/). Use a
command-line like

 valgrind --num-callers=24 --leak-check=yes --error-limit=no gimp

You will need more memory than usually to run valgrind and you should
also use a fast machine. Otherwise things will become incredibly slow.
Start by running your script once, then quit gimp. valgrind should
then leaked memory. A few hundred bytes of leaked memory are normal.
These are being lost in libraries used by gimp and the memory lost
here is constant and only allocated on initialization. Every leak in
gimp should be reported though.

If you don't find any leaks this way, we have to assume the problem is
memory fragmentation. We could then try to figure out if there are
ways to avoid this problem (for example by using GLib memchunks).

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