On Sat, Nov 05, 2005 at 04:33:08PM +0000, michael chang wrote:
> On 11/4/05, Carol Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > i considered what sort of collections of blogs i would find useful.  i
> > also considered what could happen if only a small fraction of the gimp
> > users added their blog to the feed.  the developers would be lost.  if
> > there was only one feed, the news would get lost as well.
> >
> > i agree that some explanation would help, i got a little confused myself
> > by the gimp object scheme this week while making them.  after a short
> > break in working with them, i will see what i can do about adding a
> > little more information.
> Quite nice, the clean interface makes it easy on the eyes, and it
> looks like it'll break down nicely if someone's using a console-based
> browser (e.g. Lynx).
thank you.  the very first thing they did when i showed my first gimp
web site on the irc was to try it in lynx.  this is a fact for anyone
trying to design a gimp web site.

> Since it's already set up like that, I don't know if you want to
> change it, but maybe a unified header + description at the top,
> followed by a selection for Layers | Pixels | Paths would be
> interesting... http://blogs.gimp.org/layers,
> http://blogs.gimp.org/pixels, and http://blogs.gimp.org/paths URIs
> would make sense (although that's less creative, i suppose, than your
> current offerings).  If you did do something like that,
> http://blogs.gimp.org would maybe also have the same main header as on
> the above three sites, and then split the three aggregated feeds into
> individual columns with mini-headers... maybe similar to the column
> layout at http://www.google.com/ig (except not so interactive and
> messy...)... each column would be headed b the individual "Layers",
> "Pixels" and "Paths" blogs headings respectively.
one of my irc friends (i always forget that he is one of the people who
actually does the work running the gnome computers -- that kind of
friend, they are great to make and a rare human who is a friend more
than a superhuman ruler of an actual internet domain) does not like the
word blog.  he said that he doesn't mind the idea of it but would prefer
that people call them web journals or web logs.

the planet software suggests the word planet.  it is implied that the
planets show developer web logs.  i almost missed this implication and
called the user aggregation a planet.  there are a bunch of "planets"

blogs.gimp.org -- what if the gimp computers started to have more than
just me on the computer with a blog?

two thoughts about putting the feeds all on one page.  1) is that
useful? and 2) gimp is making new images for two of them everyday.
they are random in content (somewhat) and also size.  a unified look
more than what there is now is not more important than how cool those
random images are, in my opinion.

i think a short text explaining whose web logs should be enough.


> Hopefully the suggestion sounds clear... and maybe it's something
> worth considering, but take it with a grain of salt.  I won't be
> offended if you don't like it.
> --
> ~Mike
>  - Just my two cents
>  - No man is an island, and no man is unable.
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