On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 10:45:56AM +1100, miriam clinton (iriXx) wrote:
> Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
> >On 12/21/05, miriam clinton (iriXx) wrote:
> > 
> >
> >>example images of too much cleaveage for a mailing list kthx. there are
> >>women on this list too....
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >This is just photogtaphy, not even nu. Nothing "too much", really
> >
> > 
> >
> That does not mean that it is pleasant to have to look at.
> If you want to get your kicks out of pornography, kindly keep it to your 
> bedroom. Consider the other participants on this list - I know I am not 
> the only woman here.
> I could give you several other reasons why 'not even nu' photography is 
> damaging to both men and women in society and to a woman's self-image. 
> But this is not the place for an essay on anorexia nervosa and the moral 
> decay of society.

Oh please. The images in question are so not pornography. You could see
people dressed like that in G rated Disney films. 

This is a mailing list about GIMP development. GIMP is about all sorts
of images. Prudish lectures about images have nothing to do with GIMP
development. If that's all you can contribute, you don't really belong
on this list.

As far as I'm concerned, even images with nudity are fine here, so long
as there's some artistic merit. Giving URLs to images instead of
attaching them is preferred however.

This is the final word on this subject. I don't want to see any more
posts from you, Miriam, regarding this.

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