
On Tue, 2006-08-29 at 13:34 +0200, Roman Joost wrote:

> Besides the technical problems, I think you should propose a new site
> layout than just pestering about the current layout.

That's of course correct but Shlomi has a point here. The pages that he
mentioned look vastly different than the rest of the site. Whether you
call them ugly (I do) or not, they are definitely different and
contribute a lot to the inconsistency of the current website.

I really hope that at some point a group of people will take the
challenge to redo the whole plethora of gimp.org websites and attempt to
unify them. Currently it is very difficult for our users and (potential)
developers to locate the information they are looking for.

The right place to discuss this is probably the gimp-web mailing-list.

> I think 'ugly' is a very subjective term and if no one comes up with
> something better I wouldn't change anything in Carols position. This is
> similar to what GIMP users nag the developers about (Usability, Window
> Management, etc)

Carol isn't even in the position to change anything. As far as I
remember she quit development of the website years ago and personally, I
would welcome if she stayed out of it completely. At the moment, noone
is actively working on gimp.org besides occasional maintainance by a
handful of people.


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