On Sun, Oct 01, 2006 at 12:04:47PM -0400, Christopher Curtis wrote:
> I hope I'm not showing my lack of UI skills here, but:
> On 9/26/06, Carol Spears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Tue, Sep 26, 2006 at 02:17:34PM -0700, William Skaggs wrote:
> >> >"Indexed images are not currently supported."    (heal)
> >> Healing does not operate on indexed layers
> >Healing cannot manipulate indexed images.
> "Cannot heal indexed images.  Use Image->Mode to change color mode."
> Points:  Instructs how to fix the problem.  Concise enough (I hope) to
> fit translations.  Remove "Use" if constraints prevent users from
> seeing "Image->Mode" (the important part) when clipping.
i think that your rewrite is very good.

it actually causes me to wonder what has happened to humans that we need
to have these messages all over the place though.  could it be that so
many of the 'needs' of users has been fabricated? (fabricated here
meaning invented in such a way to make it seem as if there is so much
unhappiness and so that it allows something that was really really good
to be changed to be not so good)

> And as a general, pie-in-the-sky, comment:
> It seems that indexed mode editing is cumbersome, confusing, and
> limited.  When core operations are moved into a GEGL, The GIMP should
> probably lose indexed mode editing (indexed formats autoconvert
> to/from) and a separate tool be created just for this type of editing.
> More blue sky:
> It would be really slick if all GEGL-apps could shuffle images amongst
> themselves, assuming that interface is intuitive.  So that, for
> example, an indexed editor, a pixel editor, a SVG editor, and a
> prepress app could all have a 'window' onto a shared image stored in
> GEGL space.
indexing images is used only because a good and free animation format
has not been agreed upon or for games or simple graphics for speedy web

perhaps the need to continue to clutter gimp gui is more a failure of
all of the communities who are supposedly there adding to the wealth of
information that is already known about image manipulation and also
about working with GIMP specifically to make images.

how many different ways does the same thing need to be said?

could (perhaps) everyone take a step back and a few minutes to consider
that it is actually not possible to make an application that is as
strong as GIMP that will work easily for people who will not take the
time to become familar with it and get on with something that is more

i will be honest.  i do not think that i will ever see that message in
the status bar before i will see it in my own mind based on my

restated.  where are we going?  will we want to be there once we arrive?


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