On 3/4/07, Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, 2007-03-04 at 12:53 -0600, Chris Mohler wrote:
> > [1] This seems like the best existing dialog to place this.  It
> > doesn't seem to warrant it's own dialog, unless we were to extend the
> > funtionality into a new "info" dialog similar to PS, in which the
> > color values under the cursor are reported
> GIMP already has such a dialog among the dockables that the user can add
> to their docks. The easiest and the most consistent way for adding a
> magnifier view is to add it as another dockable. It should be pretty
> much straight-forward to do that and it would solve most of the use
> cases that have been brought up.

Wow.  Until today, I had overlooked the 'pointer' dialog.  D'oh!

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