Ingo Ruhnke wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 4:29 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The basic idea is to forbid 'Save' to PNG here.
> Which of course would be stupid, since PNG is a perfectly valid
> information-loss-free choice in many cases

err, that sentence was with regard to the example in discussion.

Where loss free saving is possible, no nags would appear (compression loss get 
Still this would give some user surprise: "last time ctrl-s worked, but now that
i have added some text, ctrl-s gives a nag screen?"

> A useful addition to Gimp would be an auto-save. Not only could it be
> used to periodically save the image to prevent data loss in case of
> crashes, it could also be used to store .xcf files for exported files
> automatically

i bet that's the path GIMP will finally follow.


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