LGM in Brazil?
This would be awesome.

We have already the BlenderPRO www.blender.pro.br that is a one day
Blender event. And I will look forward for this initiative.
2010/11 looks a little distance but I'm interested about the plans.

I have the feeling that this is not the proper channel to specifically
follows LGM discussion.
João, there is another site/email list/... that you plain to put your
ideas and actions regarding that?



ps.: congratulations and thanks for the new GIMP.
It's becoming a very stable/robust software.

2008/10/16 Joao S. O. Bueno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wednesday 15 October 2008, Louis Desjardins wrote:
>> 2008/10/8 Sven Neumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > On Tue, 2008-10-07 at 10:39 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:
>> > > I've previously proposed a committee made up of ex-organisers and the
>> > > biggest attending projects. That is, a group of 6 with:
>> > > Me, Louis, Kamila, and someone from each of the GIMP, Inkscape and
>> > > Scribus (probably Sven, don't know who from Inkscape (Bryce maybe?) and
>> > > either Peter or Craig).
>> >
>> > I don't think I will have time to become part of that committee. And I
>> > haven't even been at Montreal, nor do I expect to find time for next
>> > year's LGM. But I am sure we can find someone else from the GIMP team
>> > for the committee.
>> Hi Sven,
>> I am cc'ing the gimp dev list so we find a good soul from the GIMP team to
>> be part of the LGM committee. If anyone is interested in representing the
>> GIMP team, please don't be shy and show up here quick! We need to make a
>> decision for next year's venue. A week ago, we thought 2 weeks would be
>> fine to complete the discussion. So we have one more week from now. I
>> propose that we make that decision by Friday, October 24. Is that ok?
> /me steps forward.
> I've been GIMP LGM contact  person for 2007 (for 2008, I had been
> mostly "unreachable", tough). If no one else is picking that, it would ok for
> me.
> As well, I am looking forward to bring LGM to Brazil - but not in 2009 - I am
> looking at a 2010/11 timeframe. Anyway, I will be talkign to the "right"
> people in a conference at the end of the month.  (The same one Bolhs attended
> once, in Foz do Iguaçu)
>        js
>        -><-
>> Cheers!
>> Louis
>> p.s. I have made a slight update on
>> http://create.freedesktop.org/wiki/index.php/Conference Please follow the
>> Montreal link to find out.
>> > Sven
>> >
>> >
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