On Mon, 2009-08-03 at 22:06 -0400, Christopher Curtis wrote:
> If you think of how some IM clients notify, this 'elevated status'
> message could pop up from the status bar.  It would stay open for
> 10-15 seconds and then disappear back into the status bar.

So I press save, and go for a coffee, and come back confident my
file was saved, knowing that I'd get huge alarm bells ringing if
the operation failed.  And your "elevated status" message would be
as long gone as Sven's much less irritating but basically invisible
status bar message.

Please, if I go to overwrite another file, I get a big warning, and
I want that.

If I try to save and it doesn't work, I want a warning too.

A clear warning not just that one of the gargoyles on the
gate-posts fluttered one eyelid in the dark when no-one
was watching.  Make me press OK :-)

Even if I had previously saved to the same location, GIMP
is surely not checking things like the USB device ID on a
remote network drive, and has no idea I changed the thumb drive.

Thanks ;)

Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C, http://www.w3.org/People/Quin/
Pictures from old books: http://fromoldbooks.org/
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