On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Akkana Peck <akk...@shallowsky.com> wrote:
> Martin Nordholts writes:
>> On 05/14/2010 04:13 PM, Rob Antonishen wrote:
>> > - GIMP should be easily extensible by the average user: one
>> > click-installation of plug-ins
>> > [...]
>> I agree installation of plug-ins is a pain, but I'm not aware of anyone
>> planning to work on improving the situation.
> Writing a file handler like Rob describes sounds easy -- if all you
> care about is script-fu.  The hard part would getting Python and C
> plug-ins installed for users (especially Windows users) who don't
> have Python, PyGTK or a C compiler.

This file handler should also be able to handle all other resources
gimp has like brushes, patterns, dynamcs, tool presets etc. Its been
considered for a long time and If my time wasnt aready booked full I
would look into it myself.

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