On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 2:37 AM, Liam R E Quin <l...@holoweb.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-03-12 at 01:45 +0100, Jacek Poplawski wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Ofnuts <ofn...@laposte.net> wrote:
>> > My 2.7 built from a git-clone on March 3 works OK and I can use the
>> > color picker in the Curves tool without problems.
>> 1) open photo on full screen, then open curves editor, then click on photo?
> Once you have used full-screen mode curves, yes, the curves dialogue is
> broken thereafter if you leave full-screen mode.
> Both the on-screen canvas mode and single-window-mode are features "in
> progress".  (I think the curves breakage is not related to single window
> mode, but I am not certain)

I used curves this way always, since very old version of Gimp. I open
photo and then I open curves window which is in front of photo.
I don't mean single window mode, just put curves window in front of
photo window.
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