I send this message, If you have not received the previous.
I want to develop a powerfull video editor based on Gimp and I need more
developers, if you wish join contact me
I've done part of intern field of keyframes.
If you wish look the source use:
*svn co http://fgimpmovie.sf.net/svnroot/fgimpmovie/*
and if you not want to contribute where I find developers???
You know as is the plugin support of Gimp??? I wish implement this support.
my email is: *fabiojo...@gmail.com* <fabiojo...@gmail.com>

*svn co http://fgimpmovie.sf.net/svnroot/fgimpmovie/*
*fabiojo...@gmail.com* <fabiojo...@gmail.com>
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