> >You should definitely increase your tile cache size from the default 10mb. 
> >It should help performance.

Shouldn't we increase the default for the tile_cache_size? GIMP was shipped
with the default of 10MB years ago. Memory is cheap nowadays and I guess we
can expect the average user to have more RAM available. I'd suggest setting
it to 32MB.

I want to present an older idea once again since the discussion about the
tile_cache_size is bac alive. I propose to add a dialog to the 
user_installation step that lets the user specify the tile_cache_size and 
the swap directory. Of course such a dialog would also have a few short 
sentences explaining the importance of these settings together with hints 
for a good choice. 

> However I've noticed that GIMP 1.1.15 has a little bug when changing this
> value with the Preferences dialog. It seems to be fixed to 10Mb, the only way
> is changing manually gimprc. ;)
> I've discovered this bug this morning, I'm not sure at all is a true bug,
> I haven't checked the sources yet.
> Anyone experienced the same problem?

Here it works like a charme and IIRC has been fixed a week ago.

Salut, Sven

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