Austin Donnelly wrote:
> On Tuesday, 31 Oct 2000, Manish Singh wrote:
> > GIMP 1.1.29 is out there. This is a release candidate for 1.2. So scream
> > if you see any major brokenness.
> Uh, well, there's at least:

Hmm, I'd be really reluctant to concede that these constitute
anything resembling 'major brokenness' (though I too have my
personal favourite bugs lately such as enormous help-system
omissions and the stickiness-bug when moving layers with a
wacom stylus -- these are annoyances rather than showstoppers).

Realistically the truly-critical bug list is pretty well-tamed
currently but the impetus to fix things has been faltering to
match.  The tree is in reasonably good shape and a release would
hopefully revitalize the development team -- after the first year
or so the 1.1.x cycle started to feel more like purgatory than
software development!

Adam D. Moss    . ,,^^    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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