> I have just downloaded 1.1.31 and 1.1.32 patches from ftp.gimp.org
> I notice that 'TODO' file has been updated to show some things that will
> happen with Gimp.
> However, I don't see any mention of "improved keyboard operation",
> i.e. the stuff that generated quite a bit of hate mail on this exact list
> a few weeks ago.  I have to admit though, as soon as the discussion
> shifted into intelligent suggestions, everyone dropped out real quick.

1) That would be the TODO from the 1.1 series then?
1) 1.1 is in feature-freeze now
---------------------------------------------------- +
2) Improved keyboard operation won't be fixed in 1.1,
and thus it's not on the TODO list.

I haven't downloaded 1.1.31 yet so I may be wrong on the first
assumption, in which case this argument doesn't work. 


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