Hi Byung-Hee,

On Mon, Nov 01, 2010 at 03:31:39PM +0900, Byung-Hee HWANG wrote:
> Roman Joost <romanof...@gimp.org> writes:
> > I reorganized docs.gimp.org a bit and merged the downloads page with the
> > index. A lot of people asked about printable documentation and couldn't
> > really find the releases - I hope this will be easier now.
> >
> > I still can't upload/update the PDFs for the current work. Not much
> > space left on wilber. Hope this will be changed with the new server
> > soon.
> >
> I have two service machines, which are running FreeBSD. Well i have no
> skills in operating for gimp docs services. Though i would be offer one
> of them for gimp project after discussions. Any comments?
Thanks for the offer. Sounds good to get our release published temporary
until the docs services moved from the current machine to the new
server. How we go from here?

Roman Joost
www: http://www.romanofski.de
email: romanof...@gimp.org

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