On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 11:37:06AM +0200, Karl-Heinz Zimmer wrote:
> forgot to add: Is help needed?
> If you are still looking for assistance in translation to German, I
> might be able to spend a few evening hours every here and then ...

Yes, we always need help - definitely for German translations and
probably for most (all?) other languages too.

If you have a cloned copy of the gimp-help-2 repository you can
provide patches (made with "git export-patch"), but using the
"Damned Lies" (http://l10n.gnome.org/module/gimp-help-2/) should also

Thanks in advance :-)

Nichts macht deutlicher, dass die Religion von Menschen erschaffen
wurde, als das kranke Hirn, das sich die Hölle ausdachte, ...
                -- Christopher Hitchens, "Der Herr ist kein Hirte"
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