On 03/27/2017 01:58 AM, Julien Hardelin wrote:

The Advanced options, along with Split View, Presets, and Preview, are
common to *all* Color and Filter operations.

I don't think it's appropriate to add an explanation about the
Advanced options to each and every Color and Filter page in gimp help.

To speak as plainly and clearly as possible, I will not add
documentation regarding the Advanced options to the patch I'm working
on for the desaturate menu.
You don't need to write information here: only a link:
<guilabel>Advanced options</guilabel>: Please see ..(link to a
common-color-features.xml file to be created).

There are not, as far as I can tell, such links in the current documentation to features that are in common to all the dialogs. I've been using the current documentation as a model.

IMHO, there is no point in putting in a link to a file (help on Advanced options) that doesn't yet exist.

There is no point in writing documentation for the Advanced options because this code is still in a state of flux.

It's not even clear if this dialog will remain in the individual dialogs without specific user choice made in Preferences: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=779620#c1

If someone else wants to write documentation for the Advanced options, of course I can't stop them. But I will not write documentation for the Advanced options, at least not until the code settles, and maybe not even then.

In your file, we don't see that Luminance, Luma... belong to Mode.

I don't understand what you mean. Do you want a screenshot of the
expanded desaturate drop down menu? Will this suffice to show that
"Luminance, Luma . . . belong to Mode"? Or do you mean something else
<guilabel>Mode</guilabel>: Five options are available:

OK, thanks! I don't think the original code (which I used as a pattern to follow) used <guilabel>, but if I overlooked this, my apologies.

So you want me to change this:

<para>Five options are available:</para>

to this

<para><guilabel>Mode</guilabel>: Five options are available</para>

I don't understand what you mean. Do you want me to remove something
that appears in the following file, and perhaps move it to a tutorial?


If you do want me to remove something from what appears in the above
link, please be very, very specific, as I'm having a difficult time
grasping what you are trying to say. My apologies, my communications
skills seem to be at an all-time low.
I told you that, IMHO, your text can be accepted as it is. I am
discussing about formatting the text.
Time grasping is he same for me with all this discussion. If you don't
understand again, please send me your xml file: I will return it with my
propositions on formatting.

If my text can be accepted as it is, then I don't know what your feedback about "tutorials" vs "documentation" was about. So my apologies.

I think I'll just make a commit and deal with any remaining issues later.


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