Everything’s been migrated over to gitlab. I think this is the new repo

On Sat, Aug 18, 2018 at 7:47 AM Kolbjørn Stuestøl <kolbjo...@stuestoel.no>

> I have not been working on GIMP translations since April or so.
> Starting up today I have no access to gimp-help-2 via the usual "git
> clone ssh://[my username].gnome.org/git/gimp-help-2". I also tried "git
> clone … /git-help" without any success.
> "git clone ssh://[my username].gnome.org/git/gimp" works as expected so
> I think my access rights are OK.
> Has GIMP help moved to some other place?
> What am I to do to get access to the help files again?
> Kolbjørn
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