Am 11.01.2016 um 13:09 schrieb coadde:

I think it's not bad at all.

If others are ok, I say we go with it. This topic has already been
far too long for a very innocent icon, in my opinion. :P
The latest screenshot with the meta-icon proposed by Klaus Staedtler
is cool! I suggest go with it too.

I agree. The icon is great, and it's about the time to end this
thread... really.


As everybody agreed with the icon so far I refined it a bit.

Wilber slightly enlarged, emoticons slightly downsized. Viewing axis
changed from left to upper right  so it better fits to theme icon.
Also changed gimp-prefs-folders-icon-themes. Especially for Jehan ...
only wilber there (there was only place for one small picture inside the
folder ....,  tried emoticon too, but wilber looks better ;-).

Hope this thread is now buried.


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