
On 2018-05-21 04:12, Elle Stone wrote:
On 05/20/2018 05:40 PM, Jehan wrote:
On 2018-05-20 23:28, Elle Stone wrote:
Hi All,

Is this the right place to ask about the user interface for gimp git
master, now that the gtk3-port has been merged to git master?

It is. :-)
Not only "ask", but also propose and discuss.

OK, thanks! Though I don't have any proposals. I'm just hoping someone
knows how to fix the following "theme" problems - there has to be a
file somewhere that can be modified:

1. Right now every time I move the mouse over the toolbox in
Multi-Window Mode the toolbox text gets brighter (or darker if I'm
using the "dark" option), and the toolbox background gets darker (or
lighter if I'm using the "dark" option), such that contrast is
increased when the cursor is over the toolbox. And the color of the
font above the image window also changes.

How do I modify whatever theme is being used to make this entirely
unwanted "change colors upon hover" behavior stop?

2. Using this GTK3 stuff, my two-pane toolbox is just over 750 pixels
wide on my 1600-pixel-wide monitor (far too wide for useability) and
neither pane can be made any narrower. By contrast, in GIMP-2.10 using
GTK2, the same two-pane toolbox is less than 280 pixels wide, and the
right pane can be made arbitrarily narrower.

I found the stash of GTK3 themes installed on my computer in
/usr/share/themes, and copied these themes over to the themes folder
in the config folder. GIMP sees these themes, and allows me to change
themes. But really nothing happens.

3. Is there some way to change the colors in the GTK3 theme? Right now
the choices seem limited to
   * "too light"
   * "too dark with a hint of green-blue" (color-picks as LCh 14, 4,
221) instead of a neutral dark gray.

It looks like the GTK2 GIMP themes weren't ported to git master. Are
there plans to port these themes? I like the GTK2 gray theme quite a
lot. Is there an actual GTK3 theme for GIMP?

A note: are you actually planning on working with master? Even though for the last few years, master was absolutely production-usable, this is not the case with new master with GTK+3.

A lot of stuff is broken on the GTK+3 port. As I write this, I am working on the icon themes for instance which are completely broken. This is not production-ready. If you want a moving target while still stay usable, build "gimp-2-10" branch (which is old master). I predict it will still stay quite active, much more than what the "gimp-2-8" branch used to be since we will continue to backport features when possible/not too hard.





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