On 09/20/12 22:54, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-09-20 at 22:37 -0600, Gary Aitken wrote:
>> Is there a way to tell gimp to bring up ufraw differently,
> You can run ufraw outside of gimp, not as a plugin.

I'm trying to automate a process, and don't want to have to manually start 
I could start ufraw and use its "gimp" button to transfer
control to gimp, but that doesn't do what I want either -- 
if you tell ufraw to "save" to get the .ufraw file saved, it quits;
so then you can't transfer control to gimp.

Fundamentally, I want to do the following:

specify a set of raw file names to process
specify a destination directory
for each raw file:

a.  process in ufraw
 a1.    manual crop, etc., if desired
 a2.    save a .ufraw file in the source directory
b.  process in gimp
 b1.    manual manipulation if desired
 b2.    automatic resizing and sharpening, etc
 b3.    automatically generate a .jpeg file in the destination directory

With the exception of the input file names and the output directory,
(and a1 and b1)
I want everything else done automatically.

I tried using a shell script and having ufraw write a .tif intermediary;
however, that has the following problem:

In step b3, I need to get the destination directory name,
and I can't figure out how to do that automatically.

A command line arg like "-DDEST_DIR foo" would be great,
but I don't see anything in the man page for defining an arbitrary
input arg which a script could have access to.
An arg in a script can have a fixed default value,
but that's not what I need.
One could get really gross and dynamically generate a script
with the proper default for the arg before starting gimp, 
but that's sick :-).

I'm all ears for any suggestions.


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