I apologise that my last message appear as writen by s.kortenweg.
Next time I'll pay more attention to what is going to be send, before
i press "send button".
This bad example from Corel is my experience and i don't wish to speak
for anyone else.

Dominik Tabisz

2013/2/21, Dominik Tabisz <d.kup...@gmail.com>:
> All the arguments about encouraging/forcing users to non destructive
> workflow are reasonable, but there is one tiny problem. I've
> encountered it while cooperating with "professional users" of
> CorelDraw (design studios, marketing companies etc.)
> Corel can understand bunch of vector-based fileformats. It can import
> them, it can write into them. So in theory i could prepare image in
> *.eps or *.svg and it can be later processed in Corel.
> In fact any images that was not in native CorelDraw fileformat was
> rejected. (Even images from Adobe Illustrator !)
> Reason was simple: Corel open only it's native files (*.cdr). You can
> launch Corel and later import *.ai, *.svg, *.ps but You can not just
> navigate to such file and double click it to edit. You can't open them
> from command line too.
> This mean that "professional corel users" were forced to THINK ...
> they just choose to reject Your graphics.
> We can improve programs, we can create better images but we're unable
> to change peoples (un)thinking habbits. Please imagine what harm to
> trade and workflow can arise from proposed improvement of open/import
> behaviour.
> If You really believe that this change is necessary, there should be
> way of avoiding disaster that happened to "Proffesional Corel Users".
> Let me give some proposition:
> 1)Gimp always open/import any type of file, it can understand. No
> matter if we ask program to do so from it's menu, command line or just
> click file in file commander.
> 2) After Gomp start and examine the file there are two possibilities:
> a) file is an *.xcf so Gimp just open it.
> b) file is not *.xcf -> Gimp show the message and ask for permission
> to import it.
> If proposed change don't stop launching Gimp and opening/importing any
> file just by selecting it in a file commander, than You can hope it
> won't do so much harm to the bussines as Corel behaviour did.
> All differences would be one click more and Gimp remain universal image
> editor.
> I hope that we're not going to redefine meaning of word
> "professional". Corel disaster shows that new meaning of this word is:
> someone who have ability to reject Your work. Don't let such
> redefinition happen in Free Software ecosystem.
> 2013/2/20, s.kortenweg <s.korten...@hccnet.nl>:
>> On 20-02-13 12:55, Kevin Brubeck Unhammer wrote:
>>> "s.kortenweg" <s.korten...@hccnet.nl> writes:
>>>>  From the start of GIMP 2.8 there are rumors about Save vs. Export.
>>>> It is a change with the past, but that has happened more times by
>>>> changing versions.
>>>> The first version of the GIMP that i started (i believe 1.2) came up
>>>> with a single toolbox and nothing more.
>>>>   And i survived all the changes that came after that.
>>>> To make the changes more visible for the users is it possible to add
>>>> to the various Save options
>>>> in the File Menu that this will happen in XCF format?
>>> As in:
>>> ----------------------
>>> | File               |
>>> |--------------------|
>>> | New image          |
>>> | ...                |
>>> |--------------------|
>>> | Save to XCF        |
>>> | Save to XCF as ... |
>>> | ...                |
>>> ?
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>> Indeed.
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Dominik Tabisz
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