On 13.04.2013 00:00, Kasim Ahmic wrote:
    That's a pretty cool idea.  Considering the space allotted for it I
    think only 1 article would be enough.  If I see that one article has
    changed I would go to the news feed to read more news :).

Well we'll see when we actually implement it. I'll most likely have to
use PHP for that which I have next to no knowledge about so it'll have
to wait until we can get someone to help me out there.

If possible, I'd like to see a system that only uses whatever language to generate the site if there is an actual change. Anything important that is served to the user should be static, i.e. the site should continue working except for changes when we just plainly remove PHP/Python/Perl/Ruby/Go from the server or have to disable any dynamic features temporarily (0-day, anyone? ;) temporarily.

The current system is template files that are checked into Git and are run through make and python to create the static html files which get served.

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