On 07/19/13 22:25, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 6:20 AM, Joseph A. Nagy, Jr wrote:
Everyone works differently. The old way of save/save as worked just fine.
There was NOTHING wrong with it.

There was nothing wrong with it _for you_. You cannot forbid other
opinions on the matter to exist.

That is essentially what is happening here, though.

I'd say from the number of people who keep contributing to these sorts of
threads asking for the old way of doing things, it's more than 15 unhappy
people. As for those others, I'm sure if they felt it would change anything,
more of them would complain.

That's the thing: you are sure, but you don't really know. Discussing
assumptions is a) boring, b) counterproductive.

else meets my needs. Windows isn't secure or stable enough. MSO sucks in
comparison to LibreOffice (the only thing I use MSO for is Avery templates
as they have never worked 100% properly in OO or LO).

There's dedicated software for that, you know. Like Glabels :)

I have no idea what that is.

The request for a preferences checkbox _is_ understood. And
respectfully rejected.


If it was really understood, I don't think you all (the dev's) would be so
quick to reject it (respectfully or otherwise).

That's arguing for arguing's sake.

Is it really?

I really do not see how this new way is so much better EXCEPT when
working with new images created /in/ The GIMP (which I do from time to

Just a few hours ago I opened half a dozen of existing images (not
even made by me), did some color correction and cropping, used Liquid
Rescale in a few cases to further improve composition, then added
captions, saved XCFs (soo that I can fix things later, which I do) and
exported JPGs.

You don't have to understand _why_ people do that sort of thing. You
only need to accept that people _actually do it_, and it makes sense
to them.

I do accept that people work like that. How many people have already commented, though, that they don't?

I have one last question to you. You've already heard that nothing's
going to change. What are you trying to accomplish by arguing anyway?

Because I don't think anyone is actually listening, that's why.

Yours in Christ,

Joseph A Nagy Jr
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