3D view could be a solution for powerfull PC, not for "too big image
on too little ram".

Would it be possible to use one program with many UIs? Let's say i
start GIMP and can switch between single window mode, multiple window
mode. Within each of this mode there could be next switch to see
content in "normal structure" or 3D view.

It reminds ideas like 3D goopher or Compiz - nice shiny toy to hang
computer. Gimp is image editing software - it operate on files that
need lot of ram. All this 3D features would just add another demands
for hardware. At least leave an option to disable them.
Otherwise we might end up with insane paradox: Apple workstation and
Photoshop CS 666 will be cheaper option than hardware capable of
running Gimp 6.66

I don't want to offend anyone - just trying to remind You, that every
feature has its cost - no matter whether we count it in hardware
resources or in money. If You manage to create additional alternative
UI for Gimp - great, if You make "normal" Gimp more expensive just to
get few visible clues - this is controversial.

Dominik Tabisz

2013/8/31, yahvuu <yah...@gmail.com>:
> Am 31.08.2013 12:21, schrieb Ofnuts:
>> How would you identify a layer on the canvas? The topmost
>> non-transparent one (like the Move tool uses)?
> that's a tough question. And where to set the opacity threshold when
> choosing from multiple layers
> that contribute to the pixel under the cursor?
> Things become worse with blend modes like multiply, when there is no way to
> determine which layer is
> on top just by looking at the canvas. For example, a bottom black layer can
> appear as if it were on
> top of a multiply-mode layer:
> http://yahvuu.files.wordpress.com/2009/08/canvas-visible-order.png
> On the solutions side, it has been suggested to tilt the canvas in 3D to
> make the layer stack
> accessible:
> http://gimp-brainstorm.blogspot.de/2008/06/3d-layers.html
> This scheme works surprisingly well for analysing the hierarchical structure
> of HTML documents:
> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/3D_View#Controlling_the_3D_view
> One might also think of digging into the layer stack analogous to digging
> into the earth which
> reveals the stratigraphy of rock layers.
> just brainstorming,
> peter
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Dominik Tabisz
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